Thursday, October 9, 2014


Welcome to Moms in Slippers!

Moms in Slippers is not just a website, it's home for many stay-at-home moms who are searching for that perfect work-from-home business, that mouth-watering recipe, inspiration and more.  It is a haven, a place where you can come, be encouraged and hopefully find the answers to many or all of your work at home questions.  Working at home and being your own boss is easy and best of all being your own boss is fulfilling.  

I  am truly elated that you have found Moms in Slippers.  It is my sincerest hope that the information contained in my book called a website, will be of help to you in some way.  I hope that as you read all that I am happy to share with you will be just the wealth of information you need to help you to launch your very own work at home business because working at home and being your own boss is the only way to work!

When I started Moms in Slippers my goal was to be a help and blessing to other stay-at-home moms who want to start a successful and highly profitable work at home business of their own.  I've been working from home for 12 years now and I love it.  I love being my own boss and I love putting in the long hours to keep my home based businesses, successful, prospering and thriving year after year.


How My Work from Home Journey Began.

I worked in corporate America for a long time.  27 years to be exact. I began working at a local hospital 10 minutes from my home back in 1990 and I held other positions before settling comfortable as program coordinator of the residency program in medicine.  At the time, I had three young, precious pearls, two that were in elementary school and one in daycare.  I never ever liked leaving my baby girl in daycare, but then my mother retired from Lord and Taylor and volunteered to keep my daughter while my husband and I worked.  I was relieved because I just didn't feel right about leaving my daughter in daycare 8 hours a day, five days a week.  

Each and every day when I picked her up from the daycare center, she would immediately run into my arms the second I walked through the door because she was overjoyed to see me so you can probably understand why I felt such a great joy, a true sense of relief and gratitude to my parents for keeping my little girl because knowing that she would be at home with my parents every day gave me great comfort.  


When I began my career working at the hospital, it was just that; work.  As program coordinator of the residency program, I was constantly faced with endless challenges; people.  It wasn't the work, but the people with whom I worked that gave me the stress.  I learned some of the greatest lessons any individual could ever learn working at the hospital.

One of the most valuable lessons I learned was mastering every aspect of the computer. I became so computer savvy and such an expert, that I was able to help my co-workers and even my supervisor how to do things using the computer that they had no idea about.  While working for all those long years, I also learned that I was being limited in terms of being able to use all of my amazing God-given talents.  Hidden skills, gifts and talents that I didn't even know I had began to surface when I was asked to create a flyer for a conference the residents were having.  Still not thinking about using these gifts to my advantage, I continued to work with diligence each and every day at the hospital, but in the back of my mind I always had dreams of working for myself.  I just didn't know how to go about starting and running a successful and highly profitable home based business, but I would soon learn all the components of building my own work at home business.

In January 2002, a new regime joined the department of medicine and things began to change in our department overnight and on June 18, 2002, I was laid off from my position as program coordinator.  It was right then and there that I decided that I was going to stay at home and just enjoy spending quality time with my children for the entire summer.  This would give me an opportunity to plan out, wisely, what I would do when school started in September.  

When September rolled around, I decided that I wanted to stay at home for my family and start my own typing business.  I began to do some serious research about how to start my own typing business.  I found some great information, but I was able to use everything that I learned in my previous position as program coordinator and I did just that. 


(Pictured below is the very first flier I designed myself for my secretarial business.  It was then that I also discovered the gift of design)

In October 2002, Magic Fingers Typing Service was birthed.  I designed Magic Fingers in the most amazing way ever.  I created my own flyer that proved to be highly effective in procuring typing and transcribing jobs within days of posting it at colleges and libraries.  My first typing job was to type a dissertation.  I made $650 and then I was asked to transcribe interviews for a professor who was working on his Ph.D.  I made close to $3000 for the transcribing job.  Even though I was making great money, I was fully satisfied.  I wanted more and not necessarily more money, but more in terms of helping others.  I was truly earning an awesome living, but for me, this just wasn't enough.  


Magic Fingers was doing great.  I was getting more jobs than I ever imagined and I was elated, but still, something was missing.  I had all kinds of ideas rolling around in my head and I wanted and needed to get these ideas and create businesses with each and every one.  I was all over the map.  Magic Fingers Typing Service became Magic Fingers Secretarial Services because I was implementing more services to my business.  I was designing flyers, business cards and resumes.  Not long after that, I found myself creating coloring pages for children and then Angel on my Shoulder was founded.  Now this business was geared towards helping and blessing kids with Christian-based coloring pages that quickly turned in coloring books which was an enormous hit with families.  I turned Angel on my Shoulder into a phenomenon giving aways AOMS gift boxes filled with special items and surprises for children whose parents couldn't afford to buy them Christmas gifts.  

One day, as I was surfing the internet, I found a beautiful website filled with all kinds of beautiful designs.  As I was browsing this website, I found a graphic design software listed on the site that had a thirty-day free trial offer that I decided to give a try.  I immediately fell in love with the program and I was designing all kinds of unique and original masterpieces of my own.  I have to say that at first my designs looked okay, but looking back on them now, they look really amateurish.  


After working with and using this great software program for thirty days, I was in love.  Designing became my passion and I haven't looked back.  I've been designing since 2002 and now Cyndi's Light Work Designs lives and thrives.

I'm still working to get Cyndi's Light Work Designs where I know it has the potential to be and I'm loving every single aspect of promoting and managing it.  I put in long hours, but those hours are highly productive with a sense of enjoyment and peace that encompasses me whenever I create a new design for my tee shirts, mugs and other merchandise.


If you are a stay-at-home mom and you have a deep desire to start your very own home based business that will give you the chance to design your own business your way, why not start today.  You could be working in comfort right at your kitchen table or wherever your heart desires.   

If you're really passionate about something and you believe that what you're passionate is your unique gift, then why not pour your passion into a lucrative work from home business for you and family.  If being your own boss is something you envision and if being the owner of a great, rewarding and profitable work at home business that can serve a need or provide a solution for your target audience, I suggest you start today.  

There is no doubt in my mind that you can do it. I believe that you have the greatest potential to start, grow, manage and promote your own home based business. When you're doing something that simply put, you just love doing, then why not write out your plan and be on your way to enjoying all the benefits of being a work from home business owner.  Why not start living your amazing dreams today.  I'm here to show you how you can enjoy the awesome benefits of being your own boss.  It doesn't have to be all about money.  Perhaps you just want to be fulfilled and you believe that starting a work at home business may be the answer to what you've been missing in your life.  You can start at this very moment living the lifestyle you and your family truly deserve.  Why not use the gifts you have stored in the treasure chest of your heart, open the doors to your home based business and work at home in comfort!

Success to You!

Cynthia G. Boyer

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