In The Living Room

This morning when I drove B.J. to the bus stop (he suffers with O.S.) and it gives us a chance to spend time together talking and we talk about everything; from school to girls to sports and life in general.  I love these special moments B.J. and I share together creating our
treasure trove of great memories.

After B.J. was on safely on the school bus, I made my way to Giant to do my mother’s grocery shopping for the weekend and all next week.  I am so grateful to God that I work from home because being my own boss really does make all the difference in the world; it gives me the freedom that I need like being able to go to the supermarket at any time without ever having to worry about rushing. I can go to the market, take my time, walk up and down all the isles if I’m not familiar with the store and I say this only because sometimes I like to try other stores when they have sales or just to see what the store is like inside…lol.  

This time I went to the Giant supermarket on the other side of town; that store was enormous so it took me quite some time to find the items I needed for my mother, but that was fine because I needed to go to Walgreen’s and they didn’t open until 8 a.m. and it was only 7:11 when I walked into the supermarket so I took my time and shopped around.  When I checked out it was 7:39 a.m. 

walked out of the store, loaded up the car and drove right over to Walgreen’s.  I had to wait a little while so I called to talk to my daughter, who lives in Washington, DC, until the store opened.  She was getting ready for work, but she was nice enough to stay on the phone with me until 8, but then my husband called me to tell me what was going on at his job (thank God I no longer have to deal with office politics).  I listened attentively as he poured out his heart to me and then he had to get back to work.  By the time our call ended it was 7:59 a.m. I called my daughter back wished her a nice day and made my way into the store.  I was in search of Werther’s Caramelts for my mother who just loves this candy.  My heart was racing, anxious to find the candy for my mother because I know what it’s like to want something and can’t get it.  When I got to the candy isle at Walgreen’s the candy was sold out or so I thought.  I asked the store clerk if he would check the back for the candy, but he informed me that the candy had been discontinued.  I was very disappointed for my mother because I know how much she likes that candy.

My day started out beautifully.  The sun was brightly shining and my schedule was clear.  When I got home I finished cooking my mother’s dinner, ironed B.J.’s undershirts for next week because the temperatures will be tumbling beginning Sunday and yes, I iron B.J.’s undershirts and clothes.  I don’t like for him to put his shirts in the dryer because its not the same as when I iron them.  Just like I don’t like him eating microwaved food.  I always cook or warm his after school snack in the oven and I can because I work for myself.  I am here in my home to make my home a home.  I have the flexibility and the time to iron B.J.’s clothes and I love to take my time making his food.  I don’t believe in quick meals, but in today’s society some mothers and families have no choice but to make meals quick and easy; easy I don’t mind at times, but quick, not so much.


I was up before the sun this morning.  My daughter had sent me a text asking me to call her when I woke up.  When I woke up this morning, it was around 6:34.  My plan was to be walking in the supermarket, again, by 7 a.m.  I got there at exactly 6:53 a.m., but when I got there the doors were locked on the east end of the market so I made my way down to the opposite end, grabbed my shopping cart and immediately started shopping.  The first thing that hit me in the face when I entered the market was Gatorade; 10 for $10.  The next thought was my bottomless pit, son, B.J., but when I got home another thought popped into my mind; Christmas.  I can save these Gatorades for the Christmas season since I’m expecting a lot of company these will be perfect.  Now looking back, I should have gotten 10 more, but I can go back and get more before the sale ends. I was right in my thinking because my daughter was calling me so early in the wee hours of the morning to ask if she can have company for the Christmas holiday.  I told her that she has to ask her father, but it was fine with me, so I’m thinking I need to really get moving on my Christmas shopping to ensure that I have more than enough food and drinks.

I’m shopping away in Giant looking for sales.  The store is empty except for the employees and a few early morning shoppers like myself.  As time went on a few more shoppers came into the store and I guess they were thinking like I was thinking; get up and get the grocery shopping finished early so that we can have the day to finish all of our other tasks on our Saturday-to-do-list.  While shopping, I said good morning to the other shoppers and a few looked at me as if I had 4 heads.  I immediately thought to myself as I often have to remind myself, not everyone is going to be receptive of my heart.  I have to keep telling myself that because I honestly believe that people should be love and I’m sure some of them are, but I guess I just expect people to show it as I do, but that’s okay because you never ever know what people are going through.  I smiled at one man and he looked at me like I was stone out of my mind, but I just pushed on, grateful for my life.

The people in the market reminded me of something very important pertaining to my business:  I am a business owner and I love to treat my customers with a smile. I want to make sure that my customers and potential customers hear and feel my smile.  I want the sincerity of my voice, tone and words ensure their satisfaction not just with my products, but with me as an individual and business owner. I want them to know that they can always trust me.  I usually earn my customers trust during our first conversation because sincerity and just being plain nice is my nature; there is no other way to be.  I make sure that my customers can hear me smile over the phone and they can picture a smile from me via email.  This is extremely vital to my business and I’m sure you feel the same way and besides this is great for customer retention so make it a practice to practice superior customer service skills.

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