Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Love for Home

When I became a mother 30 years ago, my heart has always been right here in my home.  Creating a warm and loving atmosphere for my husband and children has been a large part of my life.  Helping my husband to provide for our children by providing them with the best education, nourishing their precious temples with healthy foods and clothing their bodies and feet with the highest quality garments ever made, I worked outside of the home for 13 years; a long time and long enough to know that I never want to work outside of my home ever again.
The thing about working for someone else was that I never got a chance to utilize my gifts.  I demonstrated my excellent typing skills, but that was the limit.  Once I discovered what my true gifts were, I decided to start my own work from home business.  Loving what I do, I could not have made a more intelligent decision.
For me, working from home has been one of the most amazing journeys I have ever taken.  My work at home journey has given me great pleasures and wonderful benefits that accompanies this one-of-a-kind journey; one of a kind because being a business owner allows me to do things my way.  It gives me the opportunity to use my gifts, talents, skills and abilities to the fullest helping me to reach my greatest potential.

Starting my first home based business as a virtual assistant was good and I enjoyed typing and transcribing, but I knew there was something greater waiting for me and I discovered what that something was as I began creating coloring pages for children.  I went from making coloring pages to coloring books and then to graphic design.  Graphic design became my passion.  All of this happened in October 2002 and I’ve been designing almost every day ever since.
People who I shared my designs with told me that my designs were amazing.  One person even told me that he had yet to see anything close to my designs; they are simply beautiful were his exact words.
My business growth has truly been a step-by-step process and I have taken it one day at a time.  At first, I started out creating and designing coloring pages for kids.  I went to the next level in my business and I began making flyers from there I graduated to greeting cards for my husband and a dear friend of ours.  I started designing business cards and personalized keepsakes for children and families. The personalized keepsakes was one of the greatest components of my business.  The personalized keepsakes were certificates that I turned into a short lived business only because I didn’t have the business knowledge that I have now.  Angel on my Shoulder was born and it took off.  After AOMS, I started Cyndi’s Light Work Designs and this is the business I have come to love and enjoy to the fullest.  I have incorporated all of my ideas under the umbrella of CLWD and I enjoy running my business to the utmost.  It gives me a sense a peace, joy and true happiness I’ve never experienced.  Working for myself, setting my own work schedule and being able to run my business my way is a wonderful feeling.
When I joined Facebook a few years ago and I started my business page, I began posting my designs right away and saw a growth in business doing what I never thought I would or could do and that was creating logos and other designs for people and their businesses.  This is something that I truly love doing because design is now my passion. This took my business to a whole level and yet I still wanted more and so I decided to take my design business to the next level which was to put them on tee-shirts, mugs, tote bags and other merchandise and sell them.  The platforms that I decided to use was CafePress and Zazzle
and these were great, but deep down in my heart I knew that I wanted something even greater for my business.  I wanted a full fledge design business and even though CafePress and Zazzle were great as an introductory for my business, I wanted my customers to order directly from me and I wanted to handle all of my orders. My goal was to be able package all of my items elegantly (depending on what items my customers were ordering) accompanied by a beautiful thank you card with a personal message from me.  I envisioned all these things in my mind and I set out to accomplish all of my goals.  This is what being
a business owner and entrepreneur means; doing things your way which has the all of the components of growing a unique home based business.

Doing things your way, devising your business plan and then executing your plan for great business success is empowering and uplifting.  For me, it has been the dream that I didn’t just have to dream, but the dream that I now live.
 Tee-Shirt Business
I had dreamed many dreams in terms of starting my own business.  One of my dreams included a t-shirt business.  I know people like wearing t-shirts and I wanted to start my own t-shirt business.  I did some research on how to get started, but I was a little skeptical about buying a heat press machine only because I had no knowledge of how they worked.  I did more research and found that heat press machines are expensive, but I could buy a used one for about $350.  I thought that this was a good price, but I was still a little nervous only because I didn’t have a marketing plan in place to sell the tees, so Idecided to use CustomInk for my t-shirt design business and they have been awesome.  I haven’t sold many tees, but that’s only because I really didn’t market my business for success and that’s only because I can’t stop designing long enough to focus on my t-shirt business!  I hope to someday have a booming t-shirt business and until then, I am enjoying creating and designing some of the most magnificent designs for my clients.  They love what I do, but most importantly I love the fact that I have been given such an amazing gift and I can share my gift with the world.

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