Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Flipping the Hat

I woke up Monday morning and set my gears in slow mode.  I was gleaning my thoughts and then I started cleaning my office.  I took a break from cleaning my office and worked on my client's website.  I created him a great looking banner to help him advertise his business, Design-a-Nutrition.  I also created a button for another client for her daycare business.  They both loved the designs.  

When Tuesday dawned, I figured it was time for me to start ironing school clothes for my 15-year-old who starts school on Monday, August 30th and although he is dreading it, I am loving it!  I always get his clothes prepared at least a week ahead of time.  This is just one of the ways that helps me to stay organized.  I always do everything a week to a month in advance to save time and to keep everything in my life together.  This is a great time of year for me because I love to clean and right before school starts, I do a pre-fall cleaning that helps me to clear not only my head, but my office.  I create a schedule for my son and I just love the fact that he is back in school and learning everything he's going to need to, in addition to what he's learning from my husband and I, to be prosperous.  I enjoy seeing him study and doing his homework.

This time of year also ushers in 2 most heartwarming and spiritually lifting holidays; Thanksgiving and Christmas.  This year for Thanksgiving I am going to attempt to feed single mothers as I have done the past few years and I love it.  I am amazed at all the people who are willing to share what their blessings with others.  Helping Moms Make Ends Meet is a small ministry that is touching lives of single mothers everywhere.  I am hoping for donations to pour in via my website so that I can feed a lot of single mothers and their children.  One of my many goals is to help single moms buy their children Christmas gifts and to ensure that their homes are secure with smoke detectors.

I have also been working to continue building Moms in Slippers, Working in Comfort.  I believe that working from home for the home is a great way for moms and anyone that wants to stay and work at home bond with their children.  When school-aged children leave to go to school, I believe it gives them peace of mind knowing that mom will be home for them when they arrive home from school.  It is so very important for children to feel secure and when they feel secure they feel loved.  

When I was laid off from my program coordinator's job, my children were still in elementary school.  It was a blessing for me to lose that job for many reasons.  Probably too many to list here, but it was in deed a blessing that I saw long before I lost the job.  I was elated to walk out of that office knowing that I had done a phenomenal job all the years that I worked at the hospital.  I knew what I wanted to do with my life long before I was told I was being laid-off.  I went home and spent the summer with my children and loved every second being with them.  My husband enjoyed coming home to freshly cooked hot dinner meals with the aroma of brownies permeating the rooms.  When my children returned to school in September of that year, I went to work; right in the office of my home.  I opened the door to Magic Fingers Secretarial Services and began a great career that I found and that had been in my heart for what seemed like forever.  I'll never forget my first job transcribing interviews for a professor who loved my work.  It was verbatim transcribing; it was a challenge, it was interesting and I loved it.  I then started getting calls from students at a nearby college.  I even typed a dissertation and everything that went along with that dissertation!  I enjoyed typing, but quickly discovered my love for design.  

Self-taught, graphic designing has become my passion.  I also started writing poetry and short stories.  I still type and transcribe, but designing and writing have become my first loves in the work-at-home arena.  

I've also loved helping people which is the reason I started Moms in Slippers.  I am starting Moms in Slippers 2; this is where I will, for a very small fee, create fliers, and help moms get started in their home based businesses.  

Yes, I wear one hat, flipping it all the day long because working from home for the home is truly the only way to work!  I do it everyday and I wouldn't trade it, change it or stop for the world!

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