Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Do It

Working from home, for some, has its pros and cons.  For me, it has been the blessing that has given me such a great joy and complete fulfillment that I don't even want to think about working in corporate America ever again.  

There are plenty of reasons that I could list as to why I do not want to work in the corporate arena ever again.  There are endless reasons why I will always do everything in my power to remain in the position I am in today.

Personalities, the I am better than you attitude, the horrible supervisor, not being permitted to use my talents and the list goes on and on; these are just some of the reasons why I chose to even start my own home-based business. 

I am a mom who absolutely enjoys working in the comfort of my bedroom, which is where my home office is located.  I do not have to be concerned with deadlines or someone breathing down my neck berating me to do what they should be helping me to do.  I can also incorporate my own ideas using my skills, talents and gifts into anything that I start and finish for professional and outstanding results thereby creating a trusting, long lasting and unique customer retention base.  I can take my time in creating my documents to ensure customer satisfaction or to perfect whatever design I may be creating.      

I've been working at home since 2002 and would not have it any other way.  I have discovered a lot about myself since that time; great things, unique and wonderful talents that I never knew I had.  I have learned that I am worth much much more than what I was being paid for doing a job eight hours a day, five days a week just to receive pennies for all the time that I poured into a task for a company of owners who never appreciated my dedication and hard work.  I thought to myself, I am working so hard for someone else, why not take all of that energy, talent and great skillset and use it to start, promote and manage my own business and that's exactly what I've done.

I have to be honest and say that I have encountered some obstacles, but I also know that this is all part of life because when you have people, lets face it, you are going to have problems; people create problems everyday of life.  Just like these large companies that do not want to pay, some people I have encountered don't want to pay for my service either, but I don't let that stop me or slow me up not one little bit.  For instance, a young lady called me who owned her own ministry.  She wanted me to create a banner for her; I was elated to do it for her, but she didn't want to pay a penny for the banner; this potential relationship was severed before it even had a chance to grow; here's the thing, my prices are excellent.  I always think of my customers first and want to be fair to them because I love to help people, but when they want to take my time, which is so very precious to me and use it to create a beautiful masterpiece and then not to want to compensate me properly is not fair to me.  I pour my heart into my work to create and design beautiful prints, or if I'm typing or transcribing, I work hard to ensure 100% accuracy for a great looking document.  I have had to learn to just move on from those who only think of themselves.  I don't think people realize how hard I work and all the passion that I pour into my work for them!!!   

I have learned a lot in dealing with people and some people have taught me some very valuable lessons.  One mother emailed me and practically begged me to give her my ebook for free and I did; I never even received a thank you from that lady and how sad for her.  It seems everybody wants something for nothing or they want me to build the Taj Mahal and not expect to get paid for building it.  I have to make the blue print, design it and then build it and all of that takes time.

So, if you're thinking about starting your own home business, do it.  It's a great thing.  Just know who and how to deal with those you'll meet who will not want to pay.  If you're smart enough to start your own business, then I'm sure you won't have any problem dealing with people; they are a part of life!!!

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