Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Typing for Dollars

Typing is a great skill to have. It is a skill that once you have mastered the art of it or perhaps it comes to you as naturally as speaking, you will soon or may have already discovered that you have the ability and the potential to make great money if you ever find yourself in need or just want to make an easy and honest living in as little time as possible right in the comfort of your own home.

Typing can be used in many forms; desktop publishing work processing and more.

If you know how to type it would be wise to learn the Suites of Microsoft Office which includes: Excel (Spreadsheets) Microsoft Word and Power Point. This will give you the opportunity to not just leverage your business, but you will have the chance to make even an even greater living for you and your.

Typing resumes, cover letters, follow-up letters, thank you letters and other various forms of letters is as easy as 1-2-3. Typing dissertations, thesis, reports and manuals becomes a little more difficult and time consuming. Typing these kinds of documents are a lot more involved because in addition to typing these lengthy documents, you will also be typing bibliographies which can be very tedious, but as a typist, you become accustomed to typing all sorts of documents.

Typing and creating flyers, business and postcards can be fun because it gives you a chance to demonstrate/display your design creativity. As a typist, when you design flyers you can implement a bevy of artistic elements to make your clients' flyer pop. Like wearing makeup to highlight the beautiful hues in the eyes, you can take trusting colors like a pretty blue, a great looking font such as Arial or Times Roman, one that is easy on the eyes to create your flyer; a flyer that will immediately grab the attention of the market that is being targeted. You can add graphics, separators and other design pieces that pertain to or that are relevant to the flyer you are making.

Typing can open the doors to many avenues for you if that is your dream. Typing can open the doors to a whole new world. You can start your own business at home just typing. It does not cost much to begin typing for other people at home. If you were to delve into the work at home arena, you will find that typing at home is legitimate, honest, easy and has the potential to be make you great money.

With all the businesses in the world, 9 times out of 10, some form of typing is required. Computers can be seen in every office in a traditional office setting accompanied by printers and fax machines - which probably means that someone is typing all the documents necessary to help keep that business afloat. Why not start a typing business of your own and offer your services to these businesses. You do not want to go to work full-time for them and they do not want or perhaps cannot afford to hire you on a full-time basis because it would mean that they would have to offer you benefits; it would not be worth it to you any way to work for someone else and here is the reason why; the potential to make great unlimited money just went out of the window. The purpose of starting your own typing business is so that you can:

Design your business your way.
Leverage your business.
Implement and display your unique and great ability to create amazing documents and flyers.
Have all the flexibility you need without ever compromising your freedom.
Be your own boss!

Typing for dollars. It is the only way to type!

Cynthia Boyer


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