Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How to Use Social Media

Every internet home based business marketer may have noticed, that Google changed its algorithms and started to favour more the links coming from the social media. They also downgraded the importance of many article directories. This move forced many internet home based business entrepreneurs to take the social media more seriously.

The fact is that the social media sites, especially the most popular ones, are extremely popular and fit well to the internet home based business marketing. And they cooperate with the search engines, meaning, that the social media material can be ranked high on the search engines.

1. If A Business Is Not Ranked Well, It Is Nowhere.

The high rankings come as results of a successful SEO, meaning that the page has succeeded to get the needed links from other related sites. The ranking is not only important for the traffic, but also to the brand image. Think, when your site is on the first page of the high traffic result page, how many eyes will see the title, teaser and domain, again and again. That is a real brand development.

2. Often The Social Media Is The Visitor Feeder.

Very often the marketers use the social media, like Twitter or bookmarking sites, to feed visitors to the landing page. The visitor has read anly the teaser about the landing page and if interested, he will arrive to the landing page to see the rest.

3. Google Algorithm Change Forced Marketers For Changes.

Earlier this year Google was worried. It was worried, that the social media sites would pick too much from its customer base. Their answer was to change the algorithms so, that the social media was upgraded and the other, less qualitative sources, like some article directories, were downgraded. This made the links from the social media sites more valuable.

4. The Profiles Can Rank High.

The profiles, which the internet home based business marketer writes into the many social media sites are important. Especially the profiles from the most popular sites, Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter, can rank high on the search engines. This means, that the content quality must be of a high class.

5. Remember To Use The Long Tail Keywords.

The keywords are very important in every single post. Even the shortest Twitter post should include the keyword. This makes it possible for the search engines to pick the post and the other marketers can find it too.

6. The Posts Have Shelf Life Times.

Look at the search results. In average every Facebook post gets half of its likes in 80 minutes and 95 % in 22 hours. This means, that if a marketer posts too often, he will kill his earlier posts and if too seldom, he will be dropped away from the wagon.

7. Communicate With Others.

To be able to get, you have first to give. This is the golden rule in all communication. You must start the communication and to share benefits to others, before they start to share their ideas to you. The social media and the SEO can work hand in hand. It is important to understand the marketing process, before a marketer can make it to work. A powerful usage of the social media requires changes in the way, how a marketer uses his time. This must be planned, because social media honestly takes time.

Juhani Tontti - About the Author:

Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing. The Social Media Offers To The Internet Home Based Business Great Benefits. It Can Become A Real Power For The Internet Business Marketing. Visit: Internet Business


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