Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Home Internet Business Ideas

Home Internet business ideas are a plenty but how many are actually worth your time and investment? Did you know there was around 10,000 new home Internet business ideas unleashed on us all last year alone but I bet less than half weren't worth the time it took to read the sales copy let alone the asking price.

Now don't get me wrong, not all new home business ideas are scams far from it. Take the latest craze that has swept the US earlier this year and still keeps popping up with a different name and angle to it, I'm talking about the "local small business consulting".

You know,where people like you or me take our online marketing knowledge and help offline small businesses get there business up and running online. We can do this because of our SEO and traffic generation skills. I have actually done this not as a home Internet business, but for a friend of mine back in the UK.
Home Internet business ideas in Action

He has a TV aerial installation business in Widnes so I created him a simple website did a little seo vodoo, simple things that are taught in my "SEO Expert Traffic Generation Blueprint Video Training" Type this phrase "aerial installations Widnes" into and the site I built for Neil should be there in the top two positions. (

Home Internet Business IdeasIt has to be said that this home Internet business idea was a great one but to able to start a home business in this area you first need to know your seo. Like I said there are many different types of a Home business, take mine for instance, as your probably aware seeing as your here reading this.

I sell information products which is another one of those great home Internet business ideas. I have actually moved up the ladder a little since I first started, I still sell information products but I now sell the resale rights to information products.

Which basically means, if you buy one of the products on this site you will also get the resale rights to sell that product on and keep all the profit from every sale you make. I started in the very same position when I first started, this wasn't the first of my home internet business ideas but I'm sure glad it was the one I finaly got stuck into.

There's more than one way to make money form the resale rights home business model apart from the two I just went over insted of being the final product reseller or the person passing on the resale rights, you could be the information product creator and sell the master resale rights to the first reseller giving him the rights to sell on the basic resell rights.
Home Internet business ideas - Resale Rights Formula

I hope I didn't confuse you there but just in case this my help clarify it a little...

Creator : Sells PLR or master resale rights to reseller for eg. £500

Reseller : Sells Basic resale rights to final reseller for eg. £ 250

Final Reseller : Sell to end user for £175

Do you see how the product creator make the easier money? For example for him to make £1000 he only has to sell 2. Where as the reseller will have to sell 4 to make the same amount and the final reseller has to sell 6. That's basically how the food chain works in the information products resale rights home Internet business.

If you look into it further I think you will agree that the information product resale rights business was and still is a very good home Internet business ideas

Paul Pepper - About the Author:

The information products marketing Busines Is one of the best home internet business ideas of the past decade. Click on these links to learn more.


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1 comment:

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    Business Ideas
