Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Saving on Your Home Based Business Bills

When you own your own business, it is easy to see how quickly the electric bill can add up and become a large business expense. From heating to cooling, to computers and lighting, the cost to run all of these systems and gadgets can become costly. Following a few simple steps can help you save electricity while saving you money.

Computers and Appliances

Computers consume a lot of energy, and should be put into sleep mode when not in use. Often, employees may forget to turn off their computers before leaving for the night. They don't always realize how much power is being wasted by leaving their computers on. All computers should be set to go into automatic sleep mode after being idle for a period of time. They also should be shut down completely on weekends and holidays.

Other appliances, such as copiers, should be unplugged or turned off when not in use. When replacing computers and appliances, it is best to buy ones that are energy efficient due to the long term savings you will have over the course of their lifetime.

Heating and Cooling Systems

Air conditioning should be turned up a degree or two when in use. Making a slight change like this will be hardly noticeable, but can make a substantial difference in your energy usage. The opposite should be done for your office heating system by turning the heat down.

Staff at your business might be more tempted to try and adjust the office temperature since they won't be receiving the bill themselves. Since you are paying the bill, it is wise to have a programmable thermostat so the proper temperature is already set for when your employees arrive and leave. It is also recommended that there is a lock box around it so that you are the only one with the ability to change it.


Older types of light bulbs should be replaced by energy efficient ones if possible. Shutting off the lights when the room is not in use will also save electricity. If you are concerned that staff might forget to turn off the lights, then you could install motion sensor switches. This way, the lights will only be on when the room is occupied, and will automatically shut off when it is not.

Switching Electric Suppliers

In addition to these money saving ideas, it is also wise to look into switching your business electric supplier. You can compare rates to see where you will be able to get the best value for your money. When you find the right service provider, you will be able to save money by transferring your service.

Colin McDonald - About the Author:

Colin McDonald writes on behalf of Haven Power - business electricity & - seo agency


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