Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Make Money from Home

How to Make Money Working at Home 
When I became a mother, a bond was instantly formed between me and my trio of babies plus one and I knew that I never wanted to put my little ones in a daycare facility all day long for someone else to help raise my children. 
I've always had a deep and strong desire to work for myself in the comfort of my very own home, but because it was the norm to go and get a job, that's what I did when I thought my children were old enough for me to leave them with someone I trusted.  My husband had, and still has a very good job, but we needed more money because we wanted to send our four children to private schools and private schools can be very expensive. 
I started looking for employment when my daughter turned 3 years of age.  I applied for and was offered a job at a local hospital in the suburbs where I once lived.  I worked as a medical transcriptionist for one year and then applied for a much better position all-around; job and salary.  I was interviewed for the position in the department of medicine working with the residents.  I was offered that job immediately and went to work with the residents for 12 years.  In my 12th year in that department and after receiving another promotion within the department of medicine, I was laid off.  At that very moment, I vowed and made a promise to myself and that promise was this: I was not going to work for anyone else ever again.  Yes, my mind was made up and I set out to start my own work at home business.  I was laid off in June 2002 and when the kids got out of school for the summer, I relaxed and spent some motherly/children time bonding with them and I loved every single second of it.  I knew then that I just had to start my own home based business. I knew that working from home meant a lot of things that held great importance to me; my children and my husband.  I loved the thought of being home when my children got home from school, waiting with open arms with a warm nutritious snack and having hot delicious dinner meals on the table without being too tired to do the things that is expected of a mother such as helping with homework, reading to my children and my children reading to me and just being alert to spend time helping and teaching my children things they could never ever learn in a classroom and sharing stories around the dinner table and all because all the hours in the day belong to me as a home based business owner and because I chose to create my time around my families schedule.

What was I going to do I asked myself.  What kind of business would I be able to start in the comfort of my very own home without having to spend a small fortune.  I enjoyed typing and since I had mastered it at an early age in my life, I typed 75-80 wpm.  I also had a medical terminology certificate that went hand-in-hand with my typing skills and had the great ability to transcribe just about anything; verbatim as well as medical. Well, I was already typing for private doctors' offices and so I knew that the only work at home business that was the perfect fit  for me was a typing business. 
How I Started My Home Based Secretarial Business 
When I started Magic Fingers Typing Services I literally had no money at all, but I did not let that stop me because I had everything else that I needed to start my business; superior typing skills and knowledge. I came up with a plan to make my business work;  I designed a great looking flier, posted it at universities and libraries and I gave my flyer to any student that would accept it at a local university.  I started getting business that same day!  
Owning a home based secretarial business is a legitimate work at home business that allows me to type and transcribe for small and large businesses, professors, students and more. Being a home-based business owner gives me the opportunity to showcase my talents through many avenues and all aspects of my business. Producing superior high quality documents is truly my passion.    
I was already somewhat established in my business and had earned the trust of many of my clients, there was nothing left to do, but to get my business moving.  That September I opened the doors to Magic Fingers Typing Services.  I designed a real nice looking flyer that I thought would be sure to grab the attention of just about anyone in need of typing services, but who could not afford or maybe did not want to hire a full time typist.  I posted my flyer everywhere.  I even called several universities to ask if they would allow me to put my flyer in some of their offices and they allowed me to do so.  Not long after posting my flyer in as many places as possible, my telephone started ringing and I was in business.  I found myself not only typing, but transcribing medically and generally.  I knew I wanted to offer other services within my business so I made the decision to change my business and it's name to Magic Fingers Secretarial Services.  I type resumes, cover letters,press releases, manuscripts, dissertations, term papers, outlines and more.  I also type envelopes, labels, and personal statements.
I knew that I was capable of offering and providing the best secretarial services around.  For me, typing was just a small part of my business; customer service was an enormous part of why my business has grown the way that it has.  I believe it is important to be as professional as possible in business, but it is also important to have and to share that customer service sense that people don't expect in this day and time.  I also give excellent attention to detail along with assuring accuracy with every single document I type, not only for my client's satisfaction, but for my own as well, because my name gets stamped on everything that I do.  There really is a certain level of joy that comes from producing and delivering superior quality work to all my customers.  
My work at home secretarial business has allowed me to create design my business my way:
  • I create my own work at home schedule around my family's schedule
  • I work only when I want to work
  • I have created my own rate schedule to make as much or as little money as I choose
  • I have the ability to accept or turn down whatever documents I don't want to type
  • I enjoy time at home with my children all year long and when they get sick, I don't work and I only have myself to answer to myself.
Owning my own business and being my own boss has opened doors and have helped me to create some terrific opportunities for me as well as for my family.  Starting my home based secretarial business was easier than I ever thought possible and I was equipped with everything I needed to help me to get started.  I could type, I transcribed, I had a computer, an all in one printer/fax/scanner/copier, telephone, reams of paper and my marketing tools that I designed on my own that proved to be the key to getting business.  This is the same flyer I am going to give you when you've decided you're ready to start your own home based secretarial business.
Being a home based business owner the rewards are endless and the rewards that I envisioned for my home based secretarial business was the very thing that helped to movitate me to start my business.  I have now gone above and beyond just typing and I am truly enjoying multiple work at home businesses, but if I had not founded Magic Fingers Secretarial Services, I would probably be sitting in a cubicle separated by a partition from my other co-workers, but I stepped in faith and am now enjoying a fantastic work at home business; a business that can also show stay at home moms how to become work at home moms. 
How to Start a Home Business You'll Be Proud to Call Your Very Own  
If you can type you could be on your way to making a lot of money typing for large and small businesses, professors, students, teachers, authors, writers, painters, business owners and more.  You can easily turn your typing skills into a great home based business.  You can type type resumes, cover letters, manuscripts, term papers and dissertations.  The potential to make $20 to $40 an hour typing is right at your fingers tips.  If you have typing skills, you have the ability to make money typing in the comfort of your very own home!  You can start today with little to no money!  A home-based typing business is idea for the stay at home mom!  Owning your own home based typing business is an amazing venture; one I'm sure you're going to enjoy!  You can start growing your own work at home typing business with just one marketing tool that costs just pennies to make!  Let me help you get started so that you can start your typing business today and work at home in comfort.  
If You Can Type, You Can Start Your Own Work at Home Business!
If you are a mom like me, perhaps you've been thinking about starting your own work at home business, but with all the work at home job opportunities that you've seen, you're not sure where to start or even what work at home job is a good fit for you.  Mom, whatever work at home business you decide to embark on, I'm sure you'll enjoy using the tools, your skills and abilities, to create the easy and necessary steps to start you on your way to a profitable and highly rewarding career as the owner of a real work at home business
There are a lot of work from home jobs for moms and a home-based secretarial business is one of the easiest work at home opportunities you can start and it's a legitimate work from home business, but for some moms, it goes far beyond just working at home.  You want to be a business owner, which gives you the power to do things your way and to ensure that your schedule is conducive to that of your family because as a mom, this is very important.  
Starting a typing or home-based secretarial business doesn't require a lot of money and I've always believed that it is truly the perfect work at home business opportunity for stay at home moms.  There are many work from home jobs for moms out there on the market, but some do require a lot of money.  A work at home secretarial business is so easy to start because all you'll need to start your work at home typing business is an attention grabbing flyer.  If you look at and then compare a work at home typing business to any other work from home business, you'll find that starting a secretarial business costs just pennies and yet the rewards are beyond amazing!  I started my home-based typing business with an awesome attention-grabbing flier that I created and designed myself which proved to be highly successful for my business.  I use this same flier for my business today and it still works like a gem!
When you work for yourself be it part-time or full-time, you can set your own hours, decide how much you should charge your customers and best of all you'll be able to stay at home with your children or if they are school-age children, you'll be there to greet your children when they get home from school!
A typing business is a legitimate work at home opportunity you can start and grow in as little time as possible. I can show you how you can make a lot of money typing at home using just your computer. There are many legitimate work from home business opportunities out there, but if you want to make money in the quickest time possible, typing at home is the perfect work at home business for the mom who wants to stay at home!  You can even create spread sheets using Excel.  Microsoft Office Suites provides you with everything you need to run your typing business.  Microsoft Office is the software program that most companies and people use.
You can type and you're ready to start and promote your business.  The easiest way to start and promote your business is with your marketing tool; a flier.  Yes, an attention-grabbing, brief, but highly detailed flier is all you need to get started.  Include the name of your typing/secretarial business, all pertinent information; telephone number, email address and website address.  Also, you should include the services you provide.  If you plan to offer transcribing services, be sure to include it as well along with your hours and days of operation.  You should post your fliers in supermarkets, doctors offices, laundromats, libraries, universities, colleges and hospitals.  This will help your business to grow in the quickest way possible.    
You don't have to pay a lot of money to start your own work at home secretarial business.  Get your copy of my ebook for just $14.97 and be on your way to enriching your life with your very own home based secretarial business!
Here's What You'll Need to Start Your Secretarial Business:
  • Typing skills
  • Transcribing equipment (if this is a part of your service)  
  • Computer 
  • Printer 
  • File Folders 
  • Ream of Paper 
  • One attention grabbing flier! 
  • Telephone
Don't wait another second.  If you want to make money in the comfort of home why not start typing for professors, students, authors and more today!


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