Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mom's Office

The door bell is ringing.  "It's the mailman" says Tommy.  "Okay; I'll be right there" says Mom.

Yes!!! Mom just received another package in the mail.  More work spells more money and a booming work at home typing and transcribing business and mom is loving every minute of it.

The day is new, it is young and it is time to warm up those fingers.  Mom has just finished making breakfast for the family along with a little family time and now the young ones are off to school.  Mom walks her loved ones to the bus stop and sees them safely on the school bus.  She turns around and commutes to her warm home to work in comfort!

Mom cleans up the kitchen, launders some clothes and is now preparing to start her work day transcribing a  few medical reports for the local hospital.  Mom got this contract after mailing out her flyer to different businesses in her area and because her prices are so great, some businesses just could not resist picking up the phone to call mom.

Mom is now comfortably in her office getting ready to write down her goals and daily tasks for the day.  She is now ready to transcribe.  It is 9:00 a.m. and mom has delved herself into her work day full steam ahead.  By 11:00 a.m. mom has transcribed 7 long medical reports for the Department of Hematology/Oncology and she only has three more to go.  This will be a breeze for mom and she estimates that she will have all reports transcribed, printed and ready to be delivered to the hospital by 2:30 p.m.   Mom worked fast, but always accurate in producing her documents.  Mom just made  $150 in one day although she could have stretched the work over a period of two days, she was smart and chose to knock out the reports in one day leaving her room to type and/or transcribe even more reports for the next day.

The work day is over for mom and she can hang out her clothes and grab a little bite to eat.  Mom chose not to take a lunch break today because she wanted to finish the reports and she finished them all in a timely manner.

Mom is free for the rest of the day.  She is getting ready to prepare dinner as she awaits the arrival of the school bus.  Mom even baked some homemade brownies for the kids!

Mom has closed her office for the day and what a day it was.   All mom's days are filled with freedom and flexibility.

Mom's office is a place of comfort; why you may ask; because mom can do things her way, incorporating her own ideas for her business in addition to working at a pace that's always comfortable for her.

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